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Preaching Calendar Template

As the old saying goes: If you fail to plan you plan to fail. While that might not be true in everything, it does cause us to consider the plans we have for tomorrow, next month, next year. While this resource is simply a tool for your planning and preaching, it is not to take from the Holy Spirit's leadership and your sermon prep. Its primary design is to put thoughts on paper in an easy to edit and use format for your context. The different options are simply ideas to help get the ball rolling.

Alex Gonzales



Preaching Calendar Template

As the old saying goes: If you fail to plan you plan to fail. While that might not be true in everything, it does cause us to consider the plans we have for tomorrow, next month, next year. While this resource is simply a tool for your planning and preaching, it is not to take from the Holy Spirit's leadership and your sermon prep. Its primary design is to put thoughts on paper in an easy to edit and use format for your context. The different options are simply ideas to help get the ball rolling.

Alex Gonzales

