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women’s ministry

Women's Ministry Zones

Please check the map to find your zone. Then look at the list below to determine your local representative. If no one is listed for your particular area, please contact Laura Taylor or call 877.953.SBTC (7282) toll free for assistance.

Aimee Shelton (Waskom)
Ali Shaw (Bastrop)
Arlene Sanabria (Arlington)
Brooke Jarrell (San Antonio)
Chao Tsuma (Fort Worth)
Cheryl Bell (Fort Worth)
Kristen Blanford (Jersey Village)
Lori Moody (Beaumont)
Monica Rodriguez (Corpus Christi)
Nannette Burrage (Houston)
Peggy Osborne (Fort Worth)
Rhonda Hinote (Dayton)
Rhonda Tidmore (Plano)
Spring Rutland (Cypress)
Tiffany Collier (Odessa)

Contact Your Women's Ministry Rep

Aimee Shelton (Waskom)

Aimee is the wife of Ivy Shelton, Pastor of First Baptist Church Waskom. She is a mom to 3 adult sons and in 2022 she gained 2 beautiful daughters-in-laws, and became a grandmother to 2 precious boys-Hudson and David! She works with Women’s Ministry at her church and has a heart for discipling teens.

Ali Shaw (Bastrop)

Ali Shaw is the Bible study creation director, and she owns & writes for Ali is also the women’s coordinator at her church.

Arlene Sanabria (Arlington)

Arlene Sanabria is a wife, mother, and speaker who is passionate about Christ-centered Bible teaching. Her ministry, Germinarás, focuses on creating biblical content to teach women to live and grow in the Bible. Arlene holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and an Associate’s Degree in Ministerial Arts. She also holds a certificate in Biblical Counseling from SWBTS and is pursuing a master’s degree in Theological Studies at SWBTS. She serves as a translator at her church, Fielder Church. Arlene is also a correspondent for Southern Baptist TEXAN and Baptist Press, and is a member of the Women’s Ministry Team at SBTC, for which she also serves as a translator.

Arlene Sanabria es esposa, madre y una oradora apasionada por la enseñanza bíblica Cristo-céntrica. Su ministerio “Germinarás” está enfocado en crear contenido bíblico para enseñar a la mujer a vivir y crecer en la Biblia. Arlene tiene un bachillerato en Administración de Empresas y un Grado Asociado en Artes Ministeriales. También obtuvo un certificado en Consejería Bíblica del SWBTS y está cursando una Maestría en Estudios Teológicos en dicho Seminario. Ella trabaja como traductora en su iglesia, Fielder Church. También es corresponsal para Southern Baptist TEXAN y Baptist Press. Es miembro del equipo ministerial para la mujer en SBTC para quien también sirve como traductora.

Brooke Jarrell (San Antonio)

Brooke has a deep love for discipleship, mentoring and reaching her neighbors and the nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A graduate of Southwestern Seminary with double Masters degrees, Brooke now resides in San Antonio with her husband and two teenage children. Brooke and her family are active members of Mission City Church where she and her husband lead a life group and volunteer in the student ministry. Brooke’s ultimate desire is to fulfill God’s purpose for her life in this generation.

Chao Tsuma (Fort Worth)

Chao is married to James and a mom of their two sons. Her vision is to see EVERY woman engaging in Biblical literacy and transformed by the Word of God. She holds a Ph.D. in Biblical Counseling and is finishing a Master of Divinity degree at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Cheryl Bell (Fort Worth)

Cheryl is the wife of one, the mother of four, and grandmother to three. After raising and educating her children, God called Cheryl to return to school where she completed her PhD in biblical counseling with a minor in women’s studies. She currently teaches biblical counseling at SWBTS and counsels’ women who are struggling to meet life’s challenges.

Kristen Blanford (Jersey Village)

Kristen Blanford is the Women’s Ministry Coordinator for Champion Forest Baptist Church – Jersey Village campus.  She graduated Summa Cum Laude from Texas Tech University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Development and Family Studies.  Since her college days, Kristen has greatly benefitted from the mentorship and training of well-seasoned, mature Christians. She has had the opportunity to attend training in Biblical Counseling, in depth Bible study, and evangelism.  Through her experiences, Kristen has developed a passion for cross-cultural discipleship and equipping women to share their faith in Jesus Christ.  As a busy homeschool mom of seven, soon to be eight, Kristen loves camping with her family and perfecting her outdoor cooking skills.

Lori Moody (Beaumont)

Lori is a wife, mother, grandmother, homemaker, and women’s leader. Lori has a speaking/teaching ministry ( where she speaks to women’s groups in the context of conferences, retreats, banquets etc. Recently, her writing was included in a portion of the book, Join the Insanity: Crazy-Fun Life in the Pastors’ Wives Clubby Rhonda Rhea. Lori and her husband, Scott, live in Southeast Texas where you might find her playing with her grandchildren, reading, crocheting, or preparing to minister when called upon.

Monica Rodriguez (Corpus Christi)

Serving in ministry is an honor and privilege. I believe in serving and leading with excellence, bringing honor and glory to my Lord, my husband, and to whom I am in service of. I love serving in Women’s Ministry and in Ministry to Pastor’s wives. I am thrilled to join this team and to encourage women to be champions in their homes, families, and church.  So, blessed.

Nannette Burrage (Houston)

Nannette loves studying God’s word and teaching women through transparency for transformation. She has a heart for Titus 2 discipleship and being intentional about the next generation. She enjoys being a Mom, Granna, and picking up seashells on any beach! Nannette has walked through many seasons in her life and know Proverbs 3:5-8 to be true – “the Lord is healing to my flesh and refreshments to my bones.”

Peggy Osborne (Fort Worth)

Peggy is married to Dr. Chris Osborne who was a senior pastor for 40+ years. With Chris now at SWBTS, Peggy enjoys mentoring the women who attend Metochai, leading a neighborhood Bible study, supporting young pastors’ wives through the yearly Refresh Retreat and being engaged in the Mom to Mom program at their church. She loves her family and loves to serve!

Rhonda Hinote (Dayton)

Rhonda is the wife of Dr. Wes Hinote (Pastor of Old River Baptist Church) and mother of three beautiful daughters. She currently teaches 2nd grade and leads the Women’s Ministry Team at her church. Her greatest passion is using her energy and sense of humor to bring women of all ages into a deep desire to study God’s Word and grow in their relationship with Christ.  Rhonda also has a slight obsession with the color pink, coffee shops, tearooms, and antique shops.

Rhonda Tidmore (Plano)

Rhonda has a passion for Mentoring, Discipling, and Evangelism. She has served as a Women’s Ministry Leader, Bible Study Leader, as well as a youth and children’s teacher. She currently serves as a Bible Study Leader,  Prayer Coordinator,  table leader for “Before You Say I Do”,  and a Decision Encourager at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano. She and her husband have been married 34 years and have 3 adult daughters, two sons-in-law, and four precious grandchildren.

Spring Rutland (Cypress)

Spring holds graduate degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and University of Texas at Tyler. She has served in various church ministries from preschool to women’s ministry. After being widowed in her early thirties, she is passionate about widow’s ministry, blended families, helping those going through hard times and single mothers. She currently serves on the SBTC women’s ministry team, she is the co-leader of Houston Hope Gathering, she serves in the children’s ministry at her church, leads worship and teaches at various women’s events. She also loves spending time with her husband and children and is employed full-time as a nurse educator.

Tiffany Collier (Odessa)

Tiffany Collier leads the women’s ministry at Immanuel Baptist Church. She is on the leadership team for the Joyful Stepmom Christian Ministry. She teaches psychology and is also a licensed professional counselor and polygraph examiner. In her spare time, Tiffany enjoys volunteering and traveling. She is married to Lucas and they have two daughters at home.