At SBTC, we provide support to preschool & children’s ministries through conferences, leadership training, expertise in the area of children’s education, consultations, evaluations and recommendations for facilities, curriculum as well as safety and security measures.
preschool & children
events calendar
Our events provide training and networking opportunities for preschool & children’s ministries across the state.
bible drill
Bible Drill is a Southern Baptist Convention program involving older children, youth and high school students in systematic memorization and location of certain Scriptures. More details will be published shortly.
vacation bible school
VBS Online Training offers in-depth training and ideas for churches and associations in many areas: leader enlistment, decorating, music, worship, missions, bible study, recreation, crafts, and more! Use these videos to prepare for your VBS this year.
safeguarding children
In February 2019, SBTC Executive Director Jim Richards announced a multi-faceted response to sexual abuse, in partnership with MinistrySafe, which includes an allocation to fully fund training for five people per church in as many as 1,000 SBTC churches.
Karen Kennemur serves in the areas of family, preschool, and children’s ministries. She assists ministry leaders in their ministries to children and their families.
Karen also is the Professor of Children’s Ministries at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS). Before becoming a professor at SWBTS and later joining the SBTC, Karen served at several churches as a preschool and children’s minister and was the director of a private Christian preschool.
Karen received her Ph.D. in childhood education from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, her M.A. in christian education with a concentration in children’s ministry from SWBTS and a Bachelor of Business Administration from Baylor University.