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Collegiate Resources

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Collegiate Global Sending

Look at how to reach international students in your city; send short-term trips that not only impact the nations but your students as well; that create long-term partnerships to bring the gospel to those who do not have access to the name Jesus.

Tradecraft for the Church on Mission

For centuries, God has called missionaries to cross cultures with the Gospel, and along the way, they have developed the necessary skill-sets for a cultural translation of the Good News. This resource pulls back the curtain on tools once accessible only to full-time Christian workers moving overseas, and offers them to anyone anywhere who desires to live missionally.

Roundup Podcast

recommended readings

college ministry in a post-christian culture by stephen lutz

This book translates missional theology to the practice of college ministry—ministry as a proactive movement that is constantly adapting to its ever-changing environment. This resource will equip college ministry staff, pastors, churches, and student leaders to minister effectively to today’s college students with both depth and practical insight.


the master plan of evangelism by robert coleman

We talk a lot about the message of Jesus, and we should. It is important. But there was also a method to Jesus and how he made disciples. Robert Coleman shows us how Jesus made disciples who ultimately spread the gospel to the entire known world. This book will give you an idea of how to start a movement of disciple-making that can start a movement on your campus.


movements that change the world by steve addison

When Jesus commissioned his followers, he was not just inaugurating the historical church, he was founding a missionary movement. This book draws from biblical, historical and contemporary case studies to isolate the essential elements of a dynamic missionary movement.


the fuel and the flame by steve shadrach

The Fuel and The Flame offers church and parachurch college students, ministry staff and volunteers ten keys to impact students’ lives for Christ. Five keys to personal preparation (the fuel) and five keys to ministry implementation (the flame) are defined and expanded on in order to develop students into the future Christian leaders of our world.


tips for starting a college ministry by paul worcester

The Fuel and The Flame offers church and parachurch college students, ministry staff and volunteers ten keys to impact students’ lives for Christ. Five keys to personal preparation (the fuel) and five keys to ministry implementation (the flame) are defined and expanded on in order to develop students into the future Christian leaders of our world.


featured resources

Who's Your One

Imagine the impact if every Christian had ONE person they prayed for and shared the gospel with. Who are you committing to pray for?

learn more

Starting a Collegiate Ministry

If you’re starting from square one, this is your stop. Check out this four part article on how to start a college ministry that multiplies.

Many students are being destroyed by sexual images and pornography. This is not only an issue in the culture but inside the church as well. One out of every five Christian men and one out of every fifty Christian women say they might be addicted to pornography. We want to help support you as you strive to break the cycle of sin and pursue a life of holiness.


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