The SBTC believes every family should have access to the gospel and a church to call home. We are passionate about helping churches be more accessible to special needs families through our training and networking events, consultation services, and Special Needs Ministry Sunday.
Disability Ministry
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Disability Ministry Sunday
Disability Ministry Sunday is a time to celebrate those who for too long have been forgotten or neglected. As pro-life churches who see the beauty of everyone made in the image of God, we honor them and remind ourselves that a church is incomplete without the gifts and blessings that people with disabilities bring. We also use Disability Ministry Sunday as an opportunity to educate church members about the value of all people, a way to share more about how churches can make accommodations for those who need them, and as an outreach to special needs families who are longing for a church home.
Ways Churches of Every Size Can Celebrate Disability Ministry Sunday:
Feature a testimony from a special needs family that attends your church
Have people from your disability ministry serve as greeters, read Scripture, or provide special music
Share a video of those who are a part of your disability ministry interacting in their classes and serving the church with their gifts

Join Our Network
The SBTC is passionate about inclusion for special needs families and supporting churches as they start or strengthen their disability ministry programs. This group is for disability ministry leaders and volunteers to be encouraged and equipped in your calling!
Tools & Training
Read our blog on topics anywhere from starting to maintaining a healthy special needs ministry.
The SBTC has a disability ministry consultant on staff who can help you start or grow the disability ministry at your church!