M3 Summer Service Opportunities
Each summer thousands of students gather for M3 Camps to hear and respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you are a college or young adult (19-24) and want to serve in a local mission field context so Texas students can hear and respond to the gospel then apply for one of two service roles: Summer Intern (limited to 2 team members) or Summer Staff (up to 20 team members).
Summer Interns and Summer Staff: Both opportunities will put the team member on the front lines to pray for students to be called to faith, baptism, missions, and ministry. In addition, both opportunities will be in positions to serve and encourage the local churches as student pastors and adult volunteers minister to their students. Both roles will be tools for the Lord to use to equip and mobilize the local church to advance the gospel in their local context.
Summer Interns: Interns will gain valuable leadership experience leading various teams each week of camp.
Summer Staff: Staff will gain experience working on key teams that build and equip local church leaders for the ministry.
What will be my role?
Summer Intern: A summer intern will serve from mid-May to the end of July and be paid monthly. The summer intern will work at the SBTC office to help prepare for summer camps and help transition from one camp to the next.
Summer Staff: The summer staff will be paid per each week of service at a M3 Camp. A summer staff can serve for one, two, or three weeks. This role will consist of setup, tear down, and everything else it takes to run a camp of 600-1200 students. A summer staffer needs to be flexible and work well with a team while serving student pastors, student ministry volunteers, and students.
What is the time commitment?
Summer Intern: 20-30 hours per non-camp weeks and long hours during camp weeks. Summer interns will be the first ones up and last ones to bed each night of camp.
Summer Staff: Long hours during camp weeks.
We arrive at each camp a few days early to set up and spiritually prepare for the week ahead.