Send Network SBTC is planting churches everywhere for everyone.
Church Planting
Reaching Texas
Send Network SBTC is a family of churches seeking to plant healthy, multiplying churches in every community across North America. We believe that healthy, multiplying churches discover, develop and deploy church planting teams from within, and we believe every Send Network church is a multiplying church in the making.

Become a Church Planter
Church Planter Residency
Want to plant a church and don’t know how?
Apply to be a church planting intern for a 12-18 month preparation process at a Send Network SBTC multiplying church. This process will expose you to a healthy, thriving church and willing to stand alongside you as you prepare to launch and plant a church. This process will include exposure to other church plants, education on what it takes to plant a church and practical application of the needed skills.
Become a Church Planter
Want to plant a church in Texas?
Send Network SBTC exists to plant healthy, multiplying churches throughout Texas. We offer exceptional resources to help local churches deploy planters throughout our state to make a Kingdom difference. Are you interested in taking your next steps into church planting?
Planting Stories
How Can My Church be Involved?
Lead your church to pray for a church planter and his team.
Provide for a plant or planter’s needs.
Your church can plant churches. We want to help.
Create a culture of multiplication.
Upcoming Calendar
Sending Labs
April 10 Houston
April 24 Denton
April 29 South DFW
May 1 Fort Worth
May 13 Austin
May 22 San Antonio
August 16 El Paso
October 11 Brownsville
May 5-6 Houston (English
May 15-16 Houston (Spanish)
October 2-3 Dallas (English)
October 6-7 Dallas (Spanish)
Residency Builder
September 17-18 Dallas