1:00p Registration Opens
2:00p General Session 1
3:30p Collaborative Session 1
5:00p Dinner (provided)
6:15p General Session 2
8:00p Late Night

Collegiate Roundup, DFW
May 14 - May 16
A three day collaborative equipping event for church-based college ministry teams focused on reaching students with the gospel, developing them into disciples, and sending them into strategic kingdom places.

John Durham

Paul Worcester

Nick Maddox

Mitch Tidwell
Wednesday, May 14
Thursday, May 15
8:00a Breakfast Session
9:00a General Session 3
10:15a Breakout 1
11:30a Breakout 2
12:30p Lunch (provided)
1:00p Collaborative Session 2
3:00p Breakout 3
4:15p Breakout 4
5:30p Dinner on your own
Friday, May 17
8:00a Breakfast Session
9:00a Collaborative Session 3
10:30a General Session 4
12:00p Dismissal
More Speakers
Matt Naismith
Bryan Wooten
Drew Humphrey
Jon Chasteen
Will Bowden
Mitchell Johnson
Ben Connelly
Emily Seydell
Brandon Gilbert
Ethan McCreary
Josh Thomas
Aaron Clayton
Hannah McIver
Ben Calkins
Breakout Topics
Spring Break Missions
Leveraging Graduation for Gospel Sending
Overcoming Barriers to Sending
Missional Communities
Ministering During a Dark Night of the Soul
Systems of Care
Let Them Lead It!
Leaning on Adult Volunteers
Sexual Freedom Ministry