Give Online
Churches and individuals can create an account and give through the Cooperative Program, Reach Texas Offering, your state missions offering, and other missions offerings and designations.
Churches and individuals can create an account and give through the Cooperative Program, Reach Texas Offering, your state missions offering, and other missions offerings and designations.
Download a blank giving form below or log in to the Church Portal and print out a form already completed with your church information. Make checks payable to Southern Baptists of Texas Convention and mail to:
PO Box 1988,
Grapevine, TX 76099
The Cooperative Program (CP) is our primary giving model. As churches give, 45% of undesignated receipts remain in Texas to mobilize SBTC churches, and 55% is forwarded to SBC entities for national and international ministry.
The in-state mission is further advanced by the annual Reach Texas Offering, your state missions offering, that funds missions and evangelism efforts. 100% of the offering is used for missions and evangelism in Texas.
Since 1845, the IMB has partnered with churches to send missionaries to live and work among those around the world with little to no access to the gospel. 100% of your generous gifts provide missionaries the services they need to live among the unreached peoples they serve.
Your prayers and gifts to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering provide support for thousands of missionaries. These men and women are planting new churches in unreached communities and meeting needs through compassion ministries. Every day, lives are being impacted and transformed.
SBTC Disaster Relief prepares, equips, trains, and mobilizes churches and volunteers to fulfill the Great Commission by meeting real needs and sharing the hope of Jesus Christ with those whose lives have been or will be affected by disasters.
Send Relief is a collaboration between the International Mission Board and North American Mission Board. They respond to natural disasters, care for refugees and displaced families, fight human trafficking at home and abroad, support adoption and foster care efforts, and strengthen communities facing economic and physical crises.