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Are you on track with plans you formulated last year? Sometimes, at very inconvenient times, every leader finds herself pulled in opposing directions, choosing between a carefully made plan and the need to adjust on the spot. What is your flexibility quotient? Below are some reminders God brought to me for such times.

  • Always know: God is not surprised with your situation. When we hit roadblocks and life is crazy all around, we may be shocked and surprised, but God never is. He knows the smallest details of our life and about our ministry. Certainly, there are eternal elements to all ministry endeavors, and we must trust God with those details. Stop. Pray. Submit to Him and His way. Ask God to open your heart and understanding to what new thing He brings to the situation.
  • Life happens: Adjustments are normal. As you stop to consider the new situation, review plans. Could something be fine-tuned? Are changes required regarding something or someone? God knows the details. We must rely upon His wisdom. Are you willing for Him to change your plans? Your date? Your speaker? Your agenda? Your team member?
  • Clarify your objective: Whom are you trying to please? When you read this, you may think, what a silly question. Really—honestly, what is your leadership about? Is it about the attention you receive at your church? Is it the sense of power or control your position offers you? What motivates or drives you to continue? Does your pride revere the past or do you struggle with willingness to trust future changes to God? This is a very personal issue between you and the Lord. Challenges help you clarify why you serve and the One you seek to please.
  • Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God . . .”  Remember—ministry is not about you. We serve an awesome God who chooses to allow nameless thousands to serve as His ambassadors to represent Him to those He loves. You supply what He provides to those He loves. We are His conduit.

Most leaders mentor others in new positions. Those we mentor look to us for wisdom and maturity as a pattern of what following God looks like. I wish this weren’t true, don’t you?  But rarely do people observing leaders consider all the challenges leaders faced on the pathway of leadership.

I’ve shared some of the ways I trust God to keep me on track. Why don’t you share your ways of staying true to His purpose of women’s ministry!

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