I was sitting at a busy intersection, waiting at a red light with the sun in my face. I watched as a truck drove past and a box of metal rods spilled from the back. Realizing these rods presented a danger amidst the heavy traffic, I was relieved to see some bystanders pull their cars over and begin gathering rods from the road. I sat through the cycle of the traffic lights as they hurried to pick up each rod, eliminating the danger for the rest of us. The sun shining on one person specifically caught my attention; the silhouetted figure walked with a familiar gait. Before that moment, if you had asked me what my cousin’s walk looked like, I would have shrugged in ignorance. But as I watched him, even without seeing his face, I recognized his unmistakable movements. I recognized him not by his face, which I was unable to see in the blinding sunlight, but by his walk. I sent him a quick text of thanks for his good deed. He responded with surprise that I was watching.
Similarly, forensic gait analysis has been used to identify suspects from video footage of crimes. It operates on the premise that a person’s walk is unique and can be discerned from observing specific movements and patterns. In this way, the incriminating evidence for a criminal attempting to feign innocence might not be a video of them physically committing a crime but of them escaping the scene with an identifiable stride.
A person’s walk conveys their identity. In 3 John 3-4, the apostle John writes to his beloved friend Gaius, “For I rejoiced greatly when the brothers came and testified to your truth, as indeed you are walking in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” To walk in the truth is to live daily in the knowledge of who God is and all that implies for one’s life. A walk is an ongoing, automatic pattern of behavior that reflects a person’s beliefs. As explained in 1 John, walking in the truth involves knowing who Jesus is (1 John 2:5-6). It involves living a life of intentional love and hospitality toward others, especially other believers (1 John 2:9-11). It involves actively advocating for truth, rejecting false messages and false teachers (1 John 2:26; 1 John 4:1-6). It involves pursuing the light rather than growing comfortable in the darkness (1 John 1: 6-7). It involves abandoning the things of this world, not valuing them (1 John 2:15-17). It involves assurance in one’s faith and in eternal life (1 John 3:2-3). It involves a day-in, day-out, ongoing pattern of behavior that reflects the truth of the Bible and the reality of who God is.
Likewise, when we see other believers walking in truth, we should take the opportunity to rejoice, just as John did. We should respond with gratitude, not envy, when a fellow believer glorifies God using a talent we do not possess. We should welcome new believers and new members of our church warmly. We should smile at the noise of little voices singing God’s praises (even if VBS songs are a bit repetitive), celebrating the truth that is planted in young hearts.
Vance Havner said, “What we live is what we believe. Everything else is just so much religious talk.” If we truly believe what we say we believe, it will affect our walk. Our outward behavior will be changed by the inward transformation of our hearts. As believers, our daily walk should be perceptibly different from others, revealing an identity of one who is saved in Christ.
As with my cousin performing a good deed or with a criminal escaping a crime scene, we never know who is observing us as we walk. But just as I knew the walk of my family member in the sun-soaked intersection or as a prosecutor can rely on the expert testimony regarding the walk of a criminal, those around us should look up and say, “Hey! I know that walk!” And may it reveal to them who God is, as they view the unmistakable gait of one who walks in the truth.
Prayer: God, thank you for graciously revealing truth to me through your Word. Please reveal to me the ways in which my walk may not always reflect Your truth. Equip me to love others and to live Your truth in my everyday actions. Please help me experience joy when I see those around me walking in truth. Equip me with wisdom and love as I pursue Your will. May my words and actions be glorifying to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.