Bible Studies
In seasons like this, it’s vital that Bible study remain the foundation and priority of women’s ministry.
- We must teach women to ground themselves in God’s Word. Working through a Bible book together, giving tips on how to study, helping them to be self-feeders. This works best in small groups where interaction is encouraged. Meeting all together and listening to a teacher may not be accepted for some time to come.
- Offer Bible studies in a “hybrid” format
- Use a combination of methods to gather women, incorporating both online/virtual tools (i.e., Zoom, Messenger Chat) and small in-person groups (when permitted by local church) with appropriate social distancing and health guidelines.
- Restructure the size of Bible study groups to allow for appropriate social distancing and health guidelines.
- Instead of one teacher with a large group, consider offering several small groups with leaders. (see below for information about training and equipping the new leaders)
- Choose topics that both cover foundational Biblical truths, incorporating new issues (see above) that have arisen due to COVID-19.
- In order to promote unity, consider having all groups study the same content during the beginning phase of regathering.
Ideas for implementation:
- Record lead teacher presenting the lessons and enlist/train small group leaders to conduct discussion groups (virtually and/or face-to-face) with questions written by the lead teacher.
- Study a book of the Bible by assigning a reading schedule, giving instruction on how to study (possibly with a short video or Zoom) and then meet (virtually and/or face-to-face) to discuss.
- Use pre-recorded videos of Bible studies (available through LifeWay or Right Now Media) for women to view and then meet (virtually and/or face-to-face) to discuss.
- Teach “live” via Facebook Live and have someone moderate the Chat section. Following the teaching, small groups would meet (virtually and/or face-to-face) to discuss.