To prepare, equip, train, and mobilize churches and volunteers to fulfill the Great Commission by meeting real needs and sharing the hope of Jesus Christ with those whose lives have been or will be affected by disasters. The Disaster Relief Ministry of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention is comprised of three basic areas: training, preparation and response.
Disaster Relief
Volunteer ResourcesWhat is the Purpose of Disaster Relief?

Disaster Relief Training
Would you like to be trained as an SBTC Disaster Relief volunteer? Only volunteers who are Southern Baptist and trained with a completed background check are able to deploy with our units and we ask for a seven (7) day commitment. View the training schedule now for important information regarding volunteer training.
Don't have DR credentials, but want to volunteer?
Those who are not credentialed in DR, but would like to be involved can connect with Texas Relief.
Disaster Relief Preparation
Family Disaster Preparation
A seminar designed to assist families in preparing for disasters by developing a family plan, a family disaster kit, and ways to provide ministry to neighbors after a disaster. The seminar lasts 3.5 to 4 hours.
Church Disaster Preparation
A seminar designed to assist churches and associations when developing a comprehensive plan for providing ministry to their communities during a time of disaster. The seminar includes a look at the possible disaster that could occur in a community and the ministry opportunities that will be available to the local church and/or association. The seminar includes the setting up of a Disaster Committee, a process for who to contact after a disaster, and what training will be needed for the volunteers in the local church and/or association. The seminar lasts 3.5 to 4 hours.
Disaster Awareness
A seminar that provides an overall view of the Disaster Relief ministry of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention and its relationships to the North American Mission Board, state and local Emergency Management, Federal Emergency Management, the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, and volunteer agencies. The seminar also provides a general look at the different ministry opportunities during a disaster. The seminar lasts only 30 minutes.

Withstanding the Storm: 52 Devotions from the Field
Written by Southern Baptist Disaster Relief volunteers and staff for their counterparts on the field, Withstanding the Storm follows a simple format: Scripture, story, prayer. Available in paperback or a digital download.
Disaster Relief Response
The Disaster Relief Ministry of the SBTC is a ministry comprised of trained volunteers who are committed to share the hope of Jesus with those whose lives have been impacted by disasters. Currently the SBTC Disaster Relief Ministry provides ministry through Feeding, Clean-up and Recovery, Chaplaincy, Communications, Administration, and Shower/Laundry.
When disaster occur, volunteer teams may be asked to mobilize in Texas, North America, or internationally, depending on the nature and scope of the disaster. One or more or all seven ministry areas may be asked to deploy, again depending on the nature of the disaster. In order to be deployed by the SBTC, volunteers must have completed training. For more information on training and volunteer activities, call 1-877-953-SBTC (7282).
Make a Financial Donation
Due to the nature of crisis ministry, additional support is needed to fund this missional endeavor of the SBTC. Consider giving to help bring relief to those affected in disaster areas. Giving will generally support the Disaster Relief ministry unless a designation is noted on your check or online giving form.
Don't have DR credentials, but would like to volunteer?
This applies to those who are not credentialed in Southern Baptist disaster relief, but would like to be involved can connect with Texas Relief.