The Digital Memorial Has Arrived: A Practical Pastoral Guide COVID-19Pastoral The Digital Memorial Has Arrived: A Practical Pastoral Guide It happened to me. Our family had a loved one pass away JUST as his…Dave CarrollApril 2, 2020
Zoom Video Conferencing: Best Practices to Prevent Trolling/ZoomBombing COVID-19Technology Zoom Video Conferencing: Best Practices to Prevent Trolling/ZoomBombing People who wish to do harm are also sheltering-in-place and have more time on their…Chris EnrightApril 1, 2020
Ideas para predicar y enseñar por video COVID-19En Español Ideas para predicar y enseñar por video He sido un pastor, maestro y predicador por más de 60 años de congregaciones no…Jorge E. DíazMarch 31, 2020
Ministering to Special-Needs Families Children's MinistrySpecial NeedsWomen's Ministry Ministering to Special-Needs Families April is Autism Awareness Month and a great time to give a little extra attention…Sandra PeoplesMarch 30, 2020
I Didn’t Sign-up to Homeschool My Kids! Caring for Your Kids During COVID-19 Children's MinistryCOVID-19Women's Ministry I Didn’t Sign-up to Homeschool My Kids! Caring for Your Kids During COVID-19 As a homeschool mom for 15 years I learned a few things through the school…Laura TaylorMarch 30, 2020
Pastoral Principles on COVID-19 and Church Giving COVID-19Finances Pastoral Principles on COVID-19 and Church Giving If your church is like most churches, you relied on the ability to gather face…Dave CarrollMarch 27, 2020
Online Giving Q & A COVID-19Finances Online Giving Q & A Q: Is online giving safe? A: In general, the answer is yes. Money changes hands…Dave CarrollMarch 27, 2020
Mail-In Giving Q & A COVID-19Finances Mail-In Giving Q & A Giving through the mail can be a powerful method for many churches. It’s important to…Dave CarrollMarch 27, 2020
Ministrando en Momentos Desafiantes COVID-19En Español Ministrando en Momentos Desafiantes Con el continuo desarrollo de los esfuerzos de nuestro país para controlar la propagación del…Tony WolfeMarch 24, 2020
Declaración sobre COVID 19 COVID-19En Español Declaración sobre COVID 19 Los líderes del ministerio de la Convención de los Bautistas del Sur de Texas siguen…Jim RichardsMarch 24, 2020
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