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As a homeschool mom for 15 years I learned a few things through the school of hard knocks (pun intended–school of hard knocks–). 


1. Heavily rely on the Lord.

  • Call upon him daily to give you insight and wisdom for each child and what they need for the day. Often what I needed was found in what I had been studying already and he made the application to my life and my kids’ lives. 
  • Look to him through the Holy Spirit to give you the patience, love and grace to respond to your kiddos–truth is they will remember that more than the math lesson you taught.
  • Be thankful for the gift of your children and the opportunity to influence them for Christ!


2. Have a schedule and stick to it.

I know that is not part of some people’s nature but what is part of our nature is a need for security and often a schedule, a routine, provides a sense of security, knowing what to expect and when. It can be a loosely woven schedule but provide some structure for each day. 


3. Take advantage of the time to interact with your kids because you can’t get these years back.

Play games, cook together, craft project together, puzzle, have a family competition like gaming, or basketball tournament, or cookie cook-off. Read a book together and discuss different endings. Watch a movie and have everyone write a movie review. 


4. Assure your kids that this is only a season in life and that God is still on his throne so there is no reason to fear.

Take a characteristic/attribute  of God for each day and look up verses that talk of the character of God. You could even make it their homework to help them become familiar with their Bible or use the Bible App. 

For smaller children, read them a simple verse about God and have them practice writing it and then color a border around the verse. Of course you will have to put it up somewhere for all to see!


5. Encourage your children to do some things without electronics or media. 

This requires setting the example and limiting or taking away digital means for a short time each day. 

Benefits:  learning contentment; learning other ways to be entertained or gathering information; encouraging creativity; learning self-discipline and maybe encouraging a better self-image, not based upon what others on social media are saying about them, but on what God says about them and giving opportunity for them to accomplish things that make them feel better about themselves. Maybe less time on social media will help all of us avoid the comparison game we all play by developing other means of entertainment and input into their formidable lives and in our grown-up lives.

 Pour into your kiddos truth while you have the chance ‘cause there are others that are ready and willing to pour out lies.

What a great chance to reconnect even though it seems by force ☺. Take advantage of the time and remember that your attitude about the present circumstances goes a long way to help or hinder your children’s adjustment. Lay your anxiety before the Lord and trust Him to care for you and your family. Philippians 4:4-9; Psalm 91; 56:3; Isaiah 40:28-31; 41:10.