Regenesis One-Day Part 2, El Paso
El Paso Baptist Association 10061 Rushing Rd, El Paso, TX, United StatesRegenesis One-Day regional events are designed to help churches identify and overcome barriers to growth. Through this process, experienced trainers will guide leaders to develop a unique pathway leading to...
Evento de un Día Regénesis En Español, El Paso
El Paso Baptist Association 10061 Rushing Rd, El Paso, TX, United StatesLos eventos regionales de un día de duración de Regénesis están diseñados para ayudar a las iglesias a identificar y superar las barreras que impiden su crecimiento. A través de...
Evangelism Connections: Carl Bradford
The Evangelism We Practice This evangelism training session will provide biblical examples and aid in practical applications regarding how to take everyday conversations with family, friends, and strangers and transition...
Regenesis One-Day Part 2, College Station
New Life Baptist Church 700 University Dr E #110, College Station, United StatesRegenesis One-Day regional events are designed to help churches identify and overcome barriers to growth. Through this process, experienced trainers will guide leaders to develop a unique pathway leading to...
Apoderados – Spanish Session of Empower Conference, Lewisville
Lakeland Baptist Church, Lewisville South Stemmons Freeway 397, Lewisville, TX, United StatesConferencia de Evangelismo Una conferencia para animar, equipar e inspirar a todos los miembros de las iglesias a evangelizar. Lakeland Baptist Church 397 S Stemmons Fwy, Lewisville, TX 75067...
Asian Evangelism Conference
Hanuri Church, Carrollton 1225 N Josey Ln, Carrollton, TX, United StatesThe Asian Evangelism Conference is an opportunity for the Asian Churches of the SBTC to connect, develop innovative evangelism strategies, practical ministry skills, and be encouraged to live missionally. It...
Empower Conference – Student Rally
Irving Convention Center 500 W Las Colinas Boulevard, Irving, TX, United StatesJoin us for the Empower Conference Student Rally!
Empower Conference
Irving Convention Center 500 W Las Colinas Boulevard, Irving, TX, United StatesInterim Pastor Equipping, DFW
Irving Convention Center 500 W Las Colinas Boulevard, Irving, TX, United StatesWhen a church becomes pastorless, a time of transition begins. The average time without a pastor in a Baptist church is nine to eighteen months. During that time, many of...
M3 WKND, West Texas
First Baptist Church Odessa 709 N Lee Ave, Odessa, TX, United StatesM3 WKND is a two-part event: a concert on Friday and the conference on Saturday
VBS State Training, East
Immanuel Baptist Church, Marshall 2408 W. Pinecrest Dr., MarshallThe SBTC Vacation Bible School Trainings offer breakout sessions on leader enlistment, music, worship, missions, Bible study, recreation, crafts, sharing the gospel with children, and more! Our sessions are led...
VBS State Training, Spring
Spring Baptist Church 633 E Louetta Rd, Spring, TX, United StatesThe SBTC Vacation Bible School Trainings offer breakout sessions on leader enlistment, music, worship, missions, Bible study, recreation, crafts, sharing the gospel with children, and more! Our sessions are led...
VBS State Training, Central
Anderson Mill Baptist Church 10633 Lake Creek Pkwy, Austin, TXThe SBTC Vacation Bible School Trainings offer break-out sessions on leader enlistment, music, worship, missions, bible study, recreation, crafts, sharing the Gospel with children, and more! Our sessions are led...
Intro to DR & Phase 1 Training, Spring
Spring Baptist Church 633 E Louetta Rd, Spring, TX, United StatesSBTC Disaster Relief Phase 1 Training is for individuals who desire to be the hands and feet of Christ after a disaster strikes. SBTC Disaster Relief meets real needs and...
Week of Prayer (Annie Armstrong: NAMB)
Your prayers and gifts to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering provide support for thousands of missionaries. These men and women are planting new churches in unreached communities and meeting needs...
SBTC Chapel – March
SBTC Offices 4500 State Hwy 360, Grapevine, TX, United StatesJoin us at the SBTC offices for our monthly chapel service at 10:45 a.m.
Pastor Wives Connection Night, Lewisville
Lakeland Baptist Church, Lewisville South Stemmons Freeway 397, Lewisville, TX, United StatesJoin us at the Pastor Wives Connection Night to engage with and be encouraged by other pastor wives across the state.
Ministerio de Mujeres, Cumbre de Liderazgo, DFW
Mount Lebanon Mount Leb Baptist Encampment, Cedar Hill, TX, United StatesCumbre de Liderazgo para el Ministerio de Mujeres evaluar - aprender - conectar Esta es una capacitación ideal para todas las líderes del ministerio de mujeres de la iglesia, ya...