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In August 2020, my family and I were enjoying a much-needed vacation in a beautiful beach home on the island of Galveston. We had sunscreen, beach toys, snacks, games, more snacks, and activities for the week. The sunshine and gentle waves lapping at the beach were just as expected until Hurricane Laura changed her path. Then everything changed. After flipping the switches for the hurricane shutters, we were safely tucked inside with our games and snacks as the heavy bands of rain pelted the house. Though the hurricane did not make landfall near us, and we did end our time with more sunshine, we were thankful the homeowner of our vacation rental had prepared in advance for these kinds of storms.

Life is like that. One moment you are enjoying the beauty of all that God is bestowing in our little world when without warning, a storm hits. With a phone call, doctor visit, meeting with the boss, or other unexpected event, God allows a storm to come front and center in your life. Be assured and encouraged that He will never leave your or forsake you in that storm. But He also calls you to be prepared for the storms, focusing on the “pre” because you do not know when the next storm will hit. So how do you prepare for the storms of tomorrow?

Staying connected daily to your Shepherd will significantly prepare you to face what lies ahead. The daily practices of reading the Word and praying become lifelines when your world is turned upside down. Another essential key to being prepared is choosing to be actively involved with and surrounded by a group of godly women. God will use them to speak His Truth into your life when you need it the most, and they will help you avoid the isolation that makes you vulnerable to the enemy’s tactics.

We get prepared for the storms of tomorrow by staying grounded today. Choose today to anchor daily to The Rock—Jesus Christ. Psalm 62:2 reminds us that “He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken.” We must determine daily that we will stand firm by trusting in, relying on, and clinging to Jesus.

For further encouragement, check out the Face Like Flint video below.